So, do you remember how a few months ago I had stated that I was working on casting my own records? Well after numerous tests and a fair bit of thinking I've decided to cancel that idea. One of the main reasons for this is that I just wasn't completely happy with the sound quality of the experiments I was doing and wasn't convinced I would be happy with the end result.
However, fear not because I've instead decided to press proper records at a proper record plant! So instead of hand casted, one-sided records of questionable quality, my next release will be a limited run of proper vinyl.
What this means though is that the next release will be a handful of months later than the original March/April timeframe I had been planning on. This is because I will be including more music in this release than originally thought, as well as time that it will take to both get the music mastered as well as pressed. When I have a firmer date for release, I will post that info here.
What I can share are pictures of the outer sleeves that I am planning on releasing the records in. These covers will be die-cut, meaning the sleeves will have the design cut out of them, rather than be printed on. Check them out below. I think they look pretty slick and perhaps you will too.