Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Release Preview: 2019 Mini CDR Box

I Can Hear The Hiders Coughing

So here it is ladies and gentlemen, the first of what I hope to be multiple releases for 2018.  As mentioned in my last post, I am going to be shooting for smaller, more frequent releases and this is the first.  It's not the vinyl release that I've spoken about as that is a few months down the road yet.  Instead, this release is still planted firmly in the digital realm albeit unlike my past three releases, this one is a MiniCDR.

Why a MiniCDR you may ask?  Well, simply put... because I obtained them for free and that means a cheaper purchase price for you.  You see, the prices I've been charging for all of my physical releases is based on how much the materials cost to make the release in question.  I don't charge for my time and I certainly don't make any sort of profit.  I'm just trying to keep as close to breaking even as I can.    So when an outstanding individual such as Scott Lennan (aka Bart Furp, creator of the Not Computing blog) offered up a stack of recordable MiniCDs for me to use, I looked over at the pile of spare lumber, the old tubes of acrylic paint, and the half full jug of epoxy resin I had and said "hell yeah... I can do something with this".  So I did.

Each MiniCDR comes with two new tracks ("I Can Hear The Hiders Coughing" and "Sontag Ist Sontag") with a runtime in the neighborhood of 18 minutes.  Each MiniCDR comes packaged in one of 30 wooden boxes (3 3/4" square and about 1 1/4" thick), each uniquely painted on both sides with an epoxy resin that has been mixed with acrylic paint.  Here's a look at all 60 box sides combined into one picture:

Box Paintings

On top of that, you see that black and white card sticking out of the side of the box?  That's the V-card that holds the CD.  Here's another picture to show what I mean:

The art on each of the 30 V-Cards and CD labels is unique.  So yeah... 30 different drawings.  Here they are combined into a single photo:

Best of all, since I was able to keep my costs low, these will be for sale on bandcamp for only $3 (including digital download of the songs).  This release is scheduled for January 1st, 2019.