Yesterday was the first time I've logged into Facebook in a number of weeks and I was greeted by a message from one Dieter Löckener from an organization called Underground ÄxpÄrten out in Germany to let me know that io audio recordings was part of their Underground Trips radio show. Super cool! Unfortunately, the show was broadcast on 2/1/19 so as far as I know, none of us will be able to listen in at this point. However, what I can do is direct you to the following link:
Here you will be able to listen to a number of the psych, space rock, and stoner rock artists featured in the broadcast. While I haven't yet listened to all of them yet, what I have listened to is quite good and certainly worth your time.
Also check out the various shows broadcast on the Underground ÄxpÄrten website at There are a number of interesting shows listed in their calendar so I'm pretty sure most people who would visit this page will find something of interest. In fact tomorrow there is something called "Kozmik Artifactz" which certainly has me interested!
In any case, a big thank you to Dieter and the Underground ÄxpÄrten crew for not only playing io audio recordings, but for supporting and promoting underground music in general. Your work is much appreciated.